The GrowMore history
GrowMore started with the belief in building meaningful, long-term partnerships with our clients. We don’t do marketing fluff. What we do is listen to your business needs and find solutions. Our results-driven philosophy is the foundation for driving your business’s growth. We understand the benefits of CRM for sales and have successfully implemented it in numerous projects across the world.
It is also GrowMore’s passion that propels our clients’ success. We are constantly improving our full-service suite, allowing us to provide cutting-edge services in the fields of IT solutions and digital marketing.
Our core Values
To determine our core values at GrowMore, we looked at the characteristics of our employees. Our team is constantly performing excellent business practices that have shaped the culture and vision of GrowMore. Our diverse background, including that of our team members, brings unique perspectives to our work and helps us better serve you.
GrowMore aims for transparency and integrity with its clients. We ensure your project’s spend and revenue generation is measurable throughout the entire client experience.
To build trust with our clients, open communication is key. Our GrowMore teams are ready to listen to your goals, questions, and concerns and effectively translate them into their work.
GrowMore isn’t just about style, we’re about substance. Our teams are ready to define your goals, construct a suitable report structure, demonstrate a successful ROI, and, ultimately, keep you happy.
Behind GrowMore is a team of creative, diligent people dedicated to providing your business
with excellent digital marketing and IT solutions.
Nikita Leiman
Principal Consultant
Alla Veneda
Head of Growth
Maria Afanasyeva
Recruitment Lead
Viktoria Shuvalova
Administrative Support
Nikolai Turbin
IT Development Lead
Anna Sergeyeva
Digital Marketing Lead
Egor Babich
Digital Marketing Manager
Olga Boiko
Digital Marketing Manager
Check out our Cases!
We want you to know exactly what it’s like to work with GrowMore. Take a look at our work to see how we deliver results to your business.
კომპანიის ინფორმაცია:
- კომპანიის სახელი: GrowMore Marketing LLC
- იურიდიული ფორმა: Limited Liability Company (შპს)
- რეგისტრირებულია: ქ. თბილისში, საქართველო
- VAT საიდენტიფიკაციო ნომერი: 406348803
- იურიდიული მისამართი: ოთარ ქინქლაძის ქ. 39, დიდუბე ჩუღურეთის რაიონი, თბილისი 0101.
საკონტაქტო ინფორმაცია
- ელ.ფოსტა: [email protected]
- ტელეფონი: +995 574 803 363
- ოფისის მისამართი: საქართველო, საბურთალო, ანა პოლიტკოვსკაიას ქ. 3, კორპუსი 36, 0186